Friday, August 17, 2007

Diaper Rash Creams

I wanted to let you know about my past experience with diaper rash creams when I was a new mommy. My girls rarely got rashes but when they did, the first cream I used on Kate was Desitin, which made her cry when I applied it. That should have been my first clue that something was wrong. The cream actually burned her skin and I hardly put any on her. But everywhere the cream touched her body, it burned her pretty badly. I was horrified. Then, I tried Balmex and got the same result. I felt awful because Kate would cry when I put her on the chnaging pad, expecting the burn of the cream. Now this only happened over a two day period, but you change them lots of times each day, hence her reaction. Finally, I tried Aveeno Diaper Rash Cream and within hours her skin was better. By the next morning the burn and the rash were gone completely. She never cried when I applied the Aveeno either, so I will never change fromt his cream. It works for any kind of skin irritation.

The key to diaper rash cream is to spread on a very thin coat of cream, don't glob it on. It should hardly be seen when you are done. Just slightly white on the area. I still use this cream whenever my daughters have a little irritation and it works like a charm. I have also heard the the Boudreaux's Butt Paste is great too, but I have never used it so I cannot comment. I'm sticking with what I know works great!

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