Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Kool_Aid Singles

I don't have a regimented idea about sugar. My girls have it normal amounts. But I am aware enough not to overload them on it, so I have always bought them 100% juice and watered it down by 50%. They still drink watered down juice and it is refreshing and not too much sugar! Mostly, they drink water. I never give them artificial sweeteners. Now, with all of that being said...

Today at the grocery store Claire stopped me in the aisle and exclaimed, "Look mama, Kool-Aid singles!" I said, "No", and kept going...then I realized, Wait a minute, these might be just the thing for China!" So, I went back and picked up a box of the Tropical Punch flavored ones to try. When we got home, I filled up their water bottles and poured the little sugar packet in and Voila!!!!! A wonderful fruit punch drink, not too sweet, was in the bottle! I was impressed! So, we are taking some of these to China with us for sure! The box has 16 easy open packets and they are miniscule so they will be easy to pack and to throw into their little backpacks without weighing their little bodies down! LOL

Kool-Aid singles!! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!

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