Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Deceptively Delicious

On Mondays, I love to watch Oprah because she always features the amazing Dr. Mehmet Oz. This man is a genious! Well, she also featured another genius who turned out to be non-other than Jerry Seinfeld's wife, Jessica. Jessica had a terrible time trying to get her little children to eat well and she felt like a failure because she could not get them to touch veggies. This is exactly how I feel with Kate. Claire is a great eater but she is beginning to take clues from Kate and is refusing more and more things. I have been desperately seeking info on how to get my kids to eat better...and thank God for Oprah who featured Jessica on yesterday's show! The show was so compelling that I took the girls and went straight to Barnes & Noble to buy Jessica's book called Deceptively Delicious. I recommend this book to all mommies! I can't wait to try all of the recipes. I will let you know how they do. Maybe you can pull the episode up on YouTube and watch for yourself or go to Oprah.com and read about it!


the mommy said...

Wendy I saw the show to it was great and a really good idea. Let us all know how it works


Unknown said...

Thanks, Wendy ! I'm going to buy this for my DIL. She hates veggies so gags when she gives them to Caitlin. Now Caitlin won't eat them. I hope this works.


Lori Hilton

Alyson and Ford said...

DH saw the show and we have decided to give as Christmas gifts to several of our family members with small children. He said it sounded like fun to try anyways!

LID 01/27/06