Saturday, August 25, 2007

Packing Aids - On Sale at REI

Rob and I went over to REI this afternoon to check out their Labor Day sale. I also wanted to look for Eagle Creek Pac-It Sacs for diaper bag organization. They didn't have my color of choice ("tree frog"), but they were 20% off. As you can see, I bought a bunch - two large which I thought I could use for diapers, change of clothes, etc, three medium for bottle liners, creams/ointments, toys, etc. two smalls for pacifiers and meds and two extra smalls for tide pen and other little stuff. I'm not sure exactly how I want to pack our backpack, but I think that I'm going to like these for keeping things organized and protected.
The 20% off applied to everything by Eagle Creek, so I also got two sets of Ear Planes and one set of Kid Planes. The package says that the Kid Planes will work for kids 12 months and up, so we may wind up saving those, depending on how old Nora is when she comes home. Eagle Creek also makes power adapters/converters, alarm clocks, travel blankets and a million other nifty items - all of it on sale through next weekend. BTW I noticed that REI also had a 16 oz thermos on sale for around $10. Here's a link.

Across the street from REI is a Babies R Us, so I went there too and bought this:
It's a Skip*Hop Pronto changer - a changing mat, diaper clutch, travel thingy. I figured we could toss it in our backpack for China and use it later in the car or stroller basket.

Have a great weekend!!

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