Friday, November 9, 2007

Quick Reference

I ended up being the Secret Pal to one of my friends, Donna, and I thought for one of their gifts I would make them a copy of my quick reference book. I came up with this idea 1) because I'm just plain nuts 2) I thought it would be a great way to stuff lots of info in one spot that would be easy to access. I bought one of those business card holder and began filling it with lots of cool stuff I thought I would need. I LOVE mine and I think Donna loved hers too.

Since I don't have a photo of mine, I grabbed Donna's post from her blog to show you!

Even with all these things, my VERY favorite item is this quick reference book chock full of all kinds of information we'll need in China.

When I first opened this I saw our address info, photo and an adorable little card that says "On our Way to Lauren Elizabeth." At that moment, it hit me...we ARE actually going to China and I got teary eyed. Sometimes I have those moments were it feels more real than other times and it just hits me. I think all you waiting mommas totally understand this and have your own "moments."

Inside this book, there is tons of information that we might need while in China like our pet-sitter, passport and agency info; symptoms and treatments for all sorts of conditions that we could encounter; medicine info, info on how to get medical treatment while there; info about the food, water, and making phone calls to the U.S., info on American friendly restaurants and shopping in Guangzhou, and more!

This reference book is SO thoughtful and SO very appreciated. It's just the right size to slip into our backback while in China so we have everything we need with us while we're on the go.
Go ahead and use this same idea and fill your book with lots of cool stuff that you think you might need!


John & Michelle said...

I would love to have one of your books! Would you consider selling them? I don't imagine you have the time right now. But maybe when you all get back home and have some time to settle in? I know that I'd buy one even though I don't expect to travel before Christmas 2008!

Karrie said...

You could really do well with these!!
If you decide you don't want to sell them, could you put a download of some of the info on your blog?
What an awesome idea!!!
Best wishes!!
Karrie in IN

Anonymous said...

OMG, I would love to have one of these. If you didn't want to sell them maybe you could provide downloads with a donation to Half the Sky or some other cause. Put me at the top of you list for one.